Sploof Vs. Smokebuddy: Which One Is Better For You?

Using a smoke filtration device is essential for smoking discreetly and without leaving a lingering smell. Two popular options in the market are Sploofs and Smokebuddies, designed to filter out smoke odor. In this article, we will compare the two devices to help you decide which is better suited for your needs.



Sploofs and Smokebuddies filter out the smoke smell, making them ideal for smokers who want to maintain discretion. These devices are popular among individuals who live in shared spaces or apartments where the smell of smoke can be an issue.


Although Sploofs and Smokebuddies share a common goal, they have key differences. One major distinction is the cost and convenience factor. Sploofs are inexpensive and can be easily made at home using household items such as toilet paper rolls, dryer sheets, and a rubber band. On the other hand, Smokebuddies are commercially available products with a price tag and may take time to deliver.



Another difference between Sploofs and Smokebuddies is their durability. Smokebuddies are known for their longevity, with the ability to last up to 500 uses. In contrast, Sploofs are temporary solutions that typically last for 2-3 smoking sessions before needing to be replaced. This aspect should be considered based on your smoking frequency and long-term cost-effectiveness.

Filtration Efficiency

One crucial aspect to consider when choosing between a Sploof and a Smokebuddy is the filtration efficiency. Sploofs, typically made of paper and dryer sheets, may not offer the most reliable filtration, as some smoke odor can still escape through the makeshift filter. On the other hand, Smokebuddies are equipped with HEPA filters designed to efficiently capture and eliminate smoke particles, providing a more effective odor control solution.


The material of the filtration device also plays a significant role in its effectiveness and longevity. Sploofs are often made of paper or cardboard, which can easily wear out after a few uses. In comparison, Smokebuddies are constructed from durable plastic or recycled materials, ensuring a sturdy build that can withstand multiple uses without compromising filtration quality.

Where To Find Smokebuddies


Experience discreet cannabis smoking with Smokebuddy – the ultimate solution for eliminating odors. Enjoy seamless, private, and fresh smoking on the go with their advanced technology. Smokebuddy has a filter catered to your needs, whether you want something custom, environmentally friendly, or simple, like the OG smokebuddy.

Based in Southern California, Smokebuddy supports non-profit organizations and offers premium products. Use code SLYNG23 to save 20% on your next order. Join us today!

Sploofs Vs Smokebuddies - Conclusion

Deciding between a Sploof and a Smokebuddy ultimately comes down to your priorities and preferences. If you are looking for a cost-effective and quick solution for occasional smoking sessions, a Sploof made at home may suffice. However, if you prioritize long-term efficiency, durability, and reliable smoke odor elimination, investing in a Smokebuddy with its HEPA filter technology is wise.

Ultimately, both Sploofs and Smokebuddies mask smoke odor and allow smokers to maintain discretion. Your choice between the two will depend on factors such as budget, convenience, durability, and filtration efficiency. Consider your smoking habits and needs to determine which filtration device best suits your preferences.

So whether you opt for the DIY approach with a Sploof or invest in a Smokebuddy, both options offer a solution to mitigate smoke odor concerns. Choose the one that best suits your lifestyle and preferences for a pleasant smoking experience without the worry of lingering odors.

Disclaimer: It is important to note that the effectiveness of smoke filtration devices, such as Sploofs and Smokebuddies, may vary based on individual usage, smoking habits, and environment. While these devices are designed to reduce smoke odor, they may not completely eliminate all traces of the smell. Users are encouraged to use these products with proper ventilation and other odor-reducing measures for optimal results.